Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, located northeast of Madagascar. It is a paradise destination for tourists, renowned for its stunning beaches and lush rainforests. But this island nation has a dark history of slavery, one that has left lasting scars on its people and culture.


Slavery has had a long and oppressive history in Seychelles, stretching back to the early 19th century. During this time, the Seychelles was a French colony and the French imported slaves from Africa and Madagascar to work on its plantations. Slaves were treated harshly and were subjected to a variety of abuses, including being forced to work long hours and being whipped if they did not comply.


The French abolished slavery in 1848, but the practice did not end and continued to be practiced in the Seychelles. In the late 19th century, the British took control of the islands and also allowed slavery to continue. During this time, Seychellois slaves were employed as domestic servants, agricultural laborers and even as sailors, many of whom were employed by the British Navy.


It wasn’t until the early 20th century that the Seychellois people were finally freed from slavery. In 1909, the British Parliament passed the Emancipation Act, which finally put an end to the practice. This was followed by the passing of the Seychelles Abolition of Slavery Act in 1910, which made it illegal for any person to be held in slavery in the Seychelles.


The legacy of slavery in Seychelles is still very much felt today. The Seychellois people are of mixed African and Indian heritage, a result of the intermingling of the African slaves brought to the islands and the Indian indentured laborers who were brought to the islands to replace them. This heritage has had a profound impact on Seychellois culture, and can be seen in the cuisine, music, and even the language of the Seychellois people.


The history of slavery in Seychelles is also referenced in its monuments and memorials. The Liberation Monument in Victoria, the capital of Seychelles, is a memorial to the slaves that were brought to the islands and their descendants. Another memorial located in the same city is the Slave Monument, which pays tribute to the memory of those enslaved in Seychelles.


The history of slavery in Seychelles is still being discussed and debated today. Many Seychellois people believe that reparations should be paid to the descendants of slaves, while others argue that it is impossible to accurately determine who is owed what. The issue remains a sensitive one, but it is clear that the legacy of slavery continues to be felt in Seychelles.


Slavery may be a dark part of Seychelles’ history, but it is also a part of its history that cannot be forgotten. The scars of slavery still remain, and it is important to remember and recognize the suffering that was endured by the Seychellois people. It is also important to remember the strength and resilience of those who were enslaved and their descendants, who have persevered and overcome adversity to create a better life for future generations.